Orestes is a fictional spy thriller set on a non-nuclear submarine in the 1960’s. It plots a year in the life of her new crew and the adjustments they have to make living in the strangest conditions known to man. Some have extreme difficulty in adapting and, unbeknown to anyone, one amongst them is carrying out deadly surreptitious activities.

Not all of the action is aboard the ‘boat’. The homes of the men range from slum tenement to country mansion, with the crew’s families having to order the days, and months, of their homelives around coping without their menfolk.

S22 Submarine

The S22 was a British nuclear-powered submarine of the 1960s, the first nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) in service with the Royal Navy.

..Ocelot Tour Video
..BBC Article

Gerald J Lewis

During my 19 years service I moved on from the seamanship training and served on a minesweeper, destroyer, frigate, two aircraft carriers and three submarines.


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